As thoughts fly my eagle eye snaps a pot hole on the road with the semblance of the ‘depots on the high way to hell’, just as the bus driver swerves to avoid it. ‘Phew’, I heaved a sigh of relief which was not actually for me anyway, but for the other passengers who I’m sure ain’t ready to meet their maker yet. I get to my stop and alight from the bus, my thoughts fly as I walk through the market place, observing the ‘aboki’ who placed onions for sale on a brown haggard-looking loin cloth, the meat sellers whose table stench almost made me puke as I passed, the ‘corpse-rotten’ smelling gutter beside which smoked fish,

fresh tomatoes and pepper were being sold, (so fresh indeed).I walked on, further into the market place till I approached the one-storey tall stores, and this place reminded me of one thing, ‘the rainbow’. Its such a beautiful sight, the different colour mixes; rainbow colours, and others like puce, chatreuse, aquamarine, amber e.t.c of clothes, curtain & fancy fabrics,cosmetics & beverage packets, bottles of bourbons, cognacs, gins, vines and perfumes etc. Its just so amazing.
I board a bike soon as I’m outside the market straight home. I just wanted to get something and go, but my dad shouts from inside his room,” your mama left something for you to eat, its your favourite soup, ‘egusi’ (melon soup),uh huh,so don’t go flying out of the house like a rocket”. And as my thoughts fly, I smile to myself, “this is what it feels like to be home and loved. I soon sit down to battle the ‘eba and egusi soup’, a battle like that of Perseus and the Hydra, like a deja vu, its a battle I know too well, a battle I always win. My time flew first class just as my thoughts fly, I moved, said goodbye to them at home and in just minutes, I was already in traffic damn! I always hated queues, you can ask Mattew, and traffic was a nightmare to me. I was in a bus with small windows, small amount of air circulating for 19 people to battle for. I couldn’t bear it, I tried to, but a man whom I think suffered from claustrophobia made matters worse. He ‘belled the cat’ by sharing his fears equally to even those who tried to manage theirs. I sweated all over my new ‘Tom Ford fitted’ as if I was in a steamed spa, I was going short of breath, my eyes turned, my skin crawled like I was in the presence of lucifer himself. Maybe I dozed off, the gusts of sweet air & breeze from the highway as the bus sped away would be enough to bring a dead man to life, talk more me, from sleep. My eyes looked at the horizon,my journey, my destination, what I hoped to achieve, and yet again my thoughts did fly, reminding me of how fallible we humans are and how much I can achieve having ‘the most high’ by my side. My thoughts kept flying, and it was all good.

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